
Pretty Box Gallery

PrettyBox is an extremely flexible and effective module gallery for Joomla. It can display images from a folder you nominate in a module or in your content using the loadposition code for Joomla 1.5 or the mosloadposition for Joomla 1.0.

It combines the Smart Image resizer by Shifting Pixel and Pretty Photo.

PrettyBox Gallery Features:

  • Upload images to a folder and have them display on your website.
  • Crop the images to any size or width height ratio you desire.
  • Display images titles, description, date or author.
  • Options for when the image is clicked include open in a lightbox, open in same window, open in a new window, no link, open a content item or open a blog category.
  • All options for the images are defined in the image title (see below.)
  • Multiple galleries per page.
  • Unlimited number of images per gallery.
  • Display jpgs, pngs or gifs.

Setting up the module:

Titles, descriptions, date, author and links.

The information for each image is controlled in the image title itself. The module will discern each of the variables above plus the item id and article id for links according to the way that you name the image.

It essentially splits the image name in to sections according to where and how you place hypens in the title.

For example the template looks like this:


A real world example might look something like this:

Lotus-Flowers symbolising renewal-December 2008-Unknown-30-12.jpg

If you have no need for anything other than the title of the image then there is no need to include any of the other details in the image name. However if you need to display the title and the date then you will still need to include some text for the description even though you wont be displaying that information.

A real world example would look like:

Lotus-Flowers-December 2008.jpg.

The flowers text wont display on the page but the date still needs to be the third snippet of text in the image name.

Here is a screenshot of the parameters that are available with this module.


Lightbox features.

The prettyBox module has the jQuery prettyPhoto lightbox script built into it. This is a genuinely lightweight script that offers a good range of display options for you to display your images. You get control over the following features of prettyPhoto.

  • The opacity of the background image.
  • Whether the image once displayed in the lightbox will resize if it is larger than the browser window.
  • The option to display the image title.
  • The speed of the transition when opening the image.
  • The amount of padding around the image when shown in the lightbox.