Template Admin

Template Configuration

Grid comes with small range of settings in the template administrator for you to tweak and change the width, colour and general feel of the site.Its as simple as setting the options as described below to create your very own version of the gird theme.

Template Admin

The screenshot above highlights the parameters available in the template.

Panel Menu

This option must be enabled if you want to use the panel menu on your site. When enabled the option includes the accordion script in the template allowing the extended menu to take advantage of the funky action and create a sliding/panel menu with your Jooml amenu items.

If you decide not to use the panel menu then its best for you to disable this option.

Template Width

This option sets the general width of the template. Due to padding around the design the ideal width for a 1024px resolution is 980px. The values available for the template are as follows: 980px | 940px | 900px | 860px | 820px.


Select between the following variations for the background theme: Wall | Wall2 | Wall3 | Dark Wall | Purple Wall | Light Pink | Dark | Green | Marone | Gold | Caramel | Brown | Dark Brown | Black | Purple | Charcoal | Grey | Olive | Rose | Blue | Dark Blue | Pink

The background image is controlled via class in the template_css.css file and the images are in the images/ folder.

Menu Style

Select the colour for menu. Sand | Watermelon | Fire | Cheesecake | Light Pink | Dark | Green | Marone | Gold | Caramel | Brown | Dark Brown | Black | Purple | Charcoal | Grey | Olive | Rose | Blue | Dark Blue | Pink | Mustang | Pistachio

Panel Closed Text Select the text to be displayed when the panel is closed
Panel Open Text

Select the text to be displayed when the panel is open.